Τετάρτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Michelangelo Antonioni "Zabriskie Point" film 1970 photos from the End scene Κινηματογραφικά


Michelangelo Antonioni

Zabriskie Point

film 1970

photos from the End scene






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δημοσίευμα: Record Mirror, Feb 14, 1970

(αναγγελία κυκλοφορίας της ταινίας)




   “ZABRISKIE POINT” is the film of a love affair in contemporary America. And it's a love affair set to the music of the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead, the Pink Floyd, John Fahey, Kaleidoscope and the Youngbloods.

   Immediately after the release of "Blow-up", film director Michaelangelo Antonioni went in search of America. To express his feelings about what he saw, he chose to film a love story set against the current American scene.

   For the music to accompany the film, he chose "You Got The Silver" by the Rolling Stones, "Dance of Death" by John Fahey, "Dark Star" by the Grateful Dead, "I Wish I was A Single Girl Again" by country singer Roscoe Holcomb, "Tennessee Waltz" by Patti Page, and "Sugar Babe" by the Youngbloods.

   In addition, the Pink Floyd were chosen to write and perform three original compositions for the film, together with Kaleidoscope, who wrote two pieces and Music Electronic Viva with one composition. Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead wrote a song for the film.

   All the music to the film will shortly be appearing on the MGM soundtrack album. The Rolling Stones have been included by agreement with their record company Decca.


   Stars of the film are two non-professional actors, making their film debuts. After searching the American continent, Antonioni found Daria Halprin a 19-year-old student from San Fransisco and Mark Frechette a 20-year-old carpenter from Boston. Co-starring with them will be Rod Taylor, the Hollywood veteran as a real estate developer.

  The film opens in London on March 5 (1970).




Daria Halprin



Record Mirror, February 14, 1970.






[ ανάρτηση 10 Ιανουαρίου 2024 :

Michelangelo Antonioni

Zabriskie Point

film 1970

photos from the End scene

Κινηματογραφικά ]



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