Κυριακή 14 Απριλίου 2024

Cat Stevens "Foreigner" album 1973 εποχές βινυλίου ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ


Cat Stevens


album 1973

7th studio album

released in July 1973

εποχές βινυλίου






/ - το εξώφυλλο  (ελληνική κυκλοφορία)

/ - το εξώφυλλο (αμερικάνικη  κυκλοφορία)







/ - το οπισθόφυλλο






/ - οι στίχοι (αμερικάνικη και αγγλική κυκλοφορία)


/ - το βινύλιο 1 (ελληνική κυκλοφορία)

/ - το βινύλιο 1 (αγγλική κυκλοφορία)

Side 1 

/  - Foreigner Suite  





/ - το βινύλιο 2 (ελληνική κυκλοφορία)

/ - το βινύλιο 2 (αμερικάνικη κυκλοφορία)

Side 2

/ - The Hurt

/ - How Many Times

/ - Later

/ - 100 I Dream






μουσική πρόταση: Άκης Σαλλής




δισκοκριτική Record Mirror, July 14, 1973


Cat Stevens




Foreigner (Island ILPS 9240)

   Cat's sojourn in Jamaica has produced his most lavish work yet.

   A whole side is devoted to his Foreigner Suite which expands the man's by now well-known philosophy of love. It's an intricate work which needs more than a few plays to get into, nevertheless it's just the sort of perfect production his fans have become accustomed to.

   There's more too. Side two contains four more songs continuing the mood of introspection and upholding the excellent standard of musicianship.

   Cat's distinctive voice and lyrics combine to make a sensitive album that deserves to be heard more than a few times.

Lovely sleeve too!

Κυκλοφορία δίσκου 45 στροφών

The Hurt / Silent Sunlight (1973)


CAT STEVENS: The Hurt (Island WIP 8183).

  From The Foreigner album.

 Cat produced, thi sone, as well as writing and singing it, and it's a success, though perhaps short on that instant commercial appeal. But his voice fairly whips through it, producing power and style, and the story-line song builds with some delicious bridging moments from back-up voices and from bass and rhythm.It's an off-heat, chattering sort of busy recording. Quite outstanding. - CHART CERT.

Cat Stevens


Rercord Mirror,  July 14, 1973, [singles]


/ - το εξώφυλλο του δίσκου 45 στροφών (1973)

Side 1: The Hurt

Side 2: Silent Sunlight 






[ ανάρτηση 14 Απριλίου 2024 :

Cat Stevens


album 1973

εποχές βινυλίου 





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