Κυριακή 14 Απριλίου 2024

Christine Keeler Mandy Rice-Davies The Profumo case δημοσίευμα 1963 Sarasota Herald-Tribune June 1963 ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΣΚΕΨΗ


Christine Keeler

Mandy Rice-Davies

The Profumo case

δημοσίευμα 1963

Sarasota Herald-Tribune, June 1963

Lawrence Daily Journal-World, August 1963







Christine Keeler









Mandy Rice-Davies






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[ Red-haired Christine Keeler, a 21-year-old beauty in a white fitted suite, quietly recounted details of affairs with former War Minister John Profumo, former Soviet naval attaché Eugene Ivanov, an “indiscreet businessman”, a young unnamed Persian and others in the high social circle in which she moved. ]  






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[ Her fun-loving roommate, Marilyn (Mandy) Rice-Davies, an 18-year-old blonde dressed demurely in black, told of an affair with Lord Astor who was said to be paying the rent of an apartment she shard with Miss Keeler. ]







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[ Christine Keeler said she was intimate with Ivanov “on one occasion” and this was during the time she was having the affair with Profumo.






Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Florida, Saturday, June 29, 1963, p. 20.







δημοσίευμα 2:

Η αυτοκτονία του Stephen Ward

Αύγουστος 1963



Julie Gulliver









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[ It was at Astor’s estate that Ward introduced Profumo to Miss Keeler in 1961. Ward also introduced Miss Keeler to Capt. Yevgeny Ivanov, a naval attaché at the Soviet Embassy. ]







Lawrence Daily Journal-World, Lawrence, Kansas, Saturday, August 3, 1963, p. 1.













[ ανάρτηση 14 Απριλίου 2024 :  

Christine Keeler

Mandy Rice-Davies

The Profumo case

δημοσίευμα 1963

Sarasota Herald-Tribune, June 1963

Lawrence Daily Journal-World, August 1963



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Γιάννης "εδέσματα Καθαράς Δευτέρας" Ελληνική Φιλοξενία γεύσεων επίσκεψις

  Γιάννης « εδέσματα Καθαράς Δευτέρας » Ελληνική Φιλοξενία γεύσεων επίσκεψις             / - 1.       / - 2.   ...