Σάββατο 27 Απριλίου 2024

John Vandercook "Empress of the Dusk: A Life of Theodora of Byzantium" ιστορικό μυθιστόρημα 1940 βιβλιοκριτικές ΠΕΖΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ


John Vandercook

Empress of the Dusk: A Life of Theodora of Byzantium 

ιστορικό μυθιστόρημα (1940)

βιβλιοκριτικές 1940




John W. Vandercook (1902-1963)  




Empress of the Dusk


Βιβλιοκριτική: Atlantic magazine



By John IV. Vandercook

Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1940.


   A good historical novel, excellent for summer reading. It is a narrative based on the life of Theodora, wife of the Roman emperor Justinian; a short book, written in a forceful style, rather graceful, and very well ordered. It has the remarkable merit of having been written by an honest author who devotes a whole preface to telling the reader exactly what he may and may not expect in the way of historicity. It has the further merit, almost as remarkable, of being pervaded by a sincere and disinterested affection for its subject, which gives it an amenity impossible to counterfeit. These two qualities, combined with a commendable absence of padding, make an unusually attractive story.








Δημοσίευμα b.

The Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June, 1940.











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The little port of Paphos lay at the western end of Cyprus. A girl child was born. Her mother had been an actress, with all that profession connoted in the ancient world; and at the time of her birth her father (Acacius) was a trainer of wild animals at the Paphos circus. The little newcomer in the home of Acacius was named Theodora.




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The Citizen, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Saturday, June 8, 1940, p.16.










[ ανάρτηση 27 Απριλίου 2024 :  

John Vandercook

Empress of the Dusk: A Life of Theodora of Byzantium

ιστορικό μυθιστόρημα (1940)

βιβλιοκριτικές 1940






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  Κωστής Παλαμάς « Τύχη μιά μας γέννησε… » ποίημα προδημοσίευση 1926 Περ. «Αργώ» (Αλεξάνδρεια) «Σκληροί και δειλοί στίχοι»   ...