Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2024

Marika Kotopouli Μαρίκα Κοτοπούλη δημοσίευμα 1932 Sarasota Herald May 1932 Θεατρογραφικά


Marika Kotopouli

Μαρίκα Κοτοπούλη

δημοσίευμα 1932

Sarasota Herald May 1932





Noyes camp in Cobalt, Connecticut.



   The Noyes camp is ideally located in the lower Berkshires 15 miles from Harftord, Connecticut. Here both children and adults may receive the benefits of the Noyes rhythm, which Marika Kotopouli, the great Greek tragedienne, on her visit to this country last year (1931), claimed was the Greek ideal.

   Each Sunday at the Noyes camp visitors are invited to witness a masque of a Greek myth. Last summer during the visit of Marika Kotopouli a moving picture was taken, at her request, of “Ariadne On the Isle of Naxos”. This she took to Greece to show at her theatre there. A small film of this picture was shown at the Out-of-Door school this spring.

   A cable from Europe announced a performance of Noyes-Rhythm dances at the Kotopouli theatre in Athens on May 13 (1932) and a radiogram of May 16 (1932) another program at the American college, Constantinople, May 21 (1932). Both of these programs were given by Catherine Rapp, who was in Sarasota last year (1931), and Valeria Ladd of the Noyes group. While in Athens they were guests of Marika Kotopouli.




Sarasota Herald, Sarasota, Florida, (U.S.A.), Tuesday, May 24, 1932, p. 2.   



( o τίτλος της εφημερίδος )







[ ανάρτηση 29 Ιουνίου 2024 :  

Marika Kotopouli

Μαρίκα Κοτοπούλη

δημοσίευμα 1932

Sarasota Herald May 1932

Θεατρογραφικά ]




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