Παρασκευή 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Showgirls (Las Vegas showgirls) Norm Clarke "Showgirls getting walking papers" The Day May 1980 Θεάματα ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΣΚΕΨΗ



Las Vegas showgirls

Norm Clarke “ Showgirls getting walking papers

The Day May 1980

Dancers replace showgirls

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix June 1980

« το τέλος των showgirls; »

δημοσιεύματα 1980  






   ( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )





   ( ο τίτλος του δημοσιεύματος )




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    Mrs. LeCoque (former dancer): “In the old days, the mannequin showgirl was the thing. They were the tall, statuesque beauties – the cream of the crop. Generally they were paid more because it was harder to find taller girls.”







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   “ They stood out because the dancers were smaller. Then it all changed. Girls got taller and it changed the whole structure of the production show. Now the dancers are as tall as showgirls, if not taller,” said Mrs. LeCoque.








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   Salaries vary from the minimum scale of $362 a week for chorus dancers and showgirls to $1,000 or more weekly for principal perfomances








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Valerie Perrine

Susan Anton 

Bobby Gentry’s career: country singer  

( Before she was a 17-year-old showgirl )









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   The life of a show performer.




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  “ Las Vegas is definitely not all glitter and glamor. It devours some people. ”






The Day, New London, Connecticut, (U.S.A.), Thursday, May 29, 1980, p. 41.


  ( o τίτλος της εφημερίδος )

δημοσίευμα 2:  (σχεδόν ίδιο)

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix June 1980




   ( o τίτλος του δημοσιεύματος )



   ( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )




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For some, a Las Vegas stage can lead to a Hollywood role.  

   Former showgirls:

Valerie Perrine

Susan Anton

Bobby Gentry







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Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Thursday, June 5, 1980, [ section: Entertainment, p. A11. ] 








[ ανάρτηση 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024 :  


Las Vegas showgirls

Norm Clarke “ Showgirls getting walking papers

The Day May 1980

dancers replace showgirls

Saskatoon Star-Phoenix June 1980

« το τέλος των showgirls; »

δημοσιεύματα 1980  










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  Κώστας Γαληνός « Οι Μοιραίοι » σονέττο δημοσίευση 1926 περ. «Αργώ» (Αλεξάνδρεια) ΠΟΙΗΣΗ         (φωτογραφία από τη δημο...