Τρίτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

Οι καλλικάντζαροι The Argus-Press November 1972 Λαογραφικά ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΣΚΕΨΗ


Οι καλλικάντζαροι

The Argus-Press November 1972  






  ( o τίτλος του άρθρου )





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   The Ancient Greeks believed that once a year all the souls of the dead in Hades came back to earth for a few days. These souls, the Ceres, subsequently occupied themselves in a manner similar to the Kallikantzaroi – befoulding food, causing various illness, and generally making themselves in every way objectionable.








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   The ancient Athenians used to ring their temples with red cord, forming a barrier which the Ceres could not cross. The more fearful individuals smeared their front doors with pitch as an extra deterrent.

   In the popular imagination the Ceres were depicted as striving all year long to cut down the tree on which the earth rested. Every Christmas Eve they were on the verge of succeeding, but Christ’s birth always healed the tree.  


    Nowadays the pervasivennes of modern habits of thought and increasing literacy have succeeded in neutralizing the “Kallikantzaroi”. To the average Greek the word “Kallikantzaroi” elicits laughter, and perhaps a slightly disdainflul look.

   But a shadow of the fear still remains in remote villages. Especially in the minds of the old folks, the Kallikantzaroi are still a real and annual menace, often spoiling the merriment of Christmas.  







The Argus-Press, Owosso, Michigan, (U.S.A.), Wednesday, November 22, 1972, p. 28.


  ( o τίτλος της εφημερίδος )









[ ανάρτηση 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2024 :  

Οι καλλικάντζαροι

The Argus-Press November 1972












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