Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

Elsa Martinelli Life magazine November 1957 Gallery of Stars Καλλονές Θεάματα Κινηματογραφικά


Elsa Martinelli

Life magazine November 1957

Gallery of Stars







Elsa Martinelli   (φωτο Life magazine)




Newest Eyeful from Italy







   Elsa Martinelli is a prizewinning film actress, a strikingly handsome model, and, by her recent marriage, a countess who has a distinctive way of wearing clothes.

Elsa Martinelli  (φωτο Life magazine)


   A rising young designer named Roberto Capucci foresaw the triple threat in Elsa and plucked her from her barmaid’s job four years ago to model his first collection.

   She went on to become a top model in Paris and New York, went out to make a movie in Hollywood where, even when cast as an American Indian, she gave the squaw dress a special style.

   She returned to Italy to do more movies and last June married Count Franco Mancinelli Scotti.


   Despite her way with clothes, Elsa has had a very limited wardrobe in the half-dozen movies she has made.

   In fact, in her first movie, “The Indian Fighter”, she took off the squaw dress only long enough to cause a momentary sensation by wearing nothing at all.




   Since then, she has been cast mainly as either peasant or waif, and although she has not looked very fashionable she has shown plenty of style.





   Director Vittorio De Sica, who hopes to use Elsa soon in a picture, calls her “the most stylized woman in the world. She looks as if she had been designed by an artist.”







   Elsa works hard to give that impression. She diets by eating only an apple for breakfast, and on a recent visit to New York took time out for exercise. She doesn’t much like exercise but feels it helps her figure and her disposition.

Elsa Martinelli   (φωτο Life magazine)





   Elsa who was one of nine children of a poor Florentine family and had to go to work at 12, is at 22 Contessa Elsa Martinelli Scotti di San Vito, well off and married to a young handsome Roman.


Elsa Martinelli  (φωτο Life magazine)




   On their recent New York shopping trip Elsa and Franco bought everything from jazz records to a washing machine and dryer for their new house in Rome.




Life magazine, November 25, 1957, pp. 115-122.

(αποσπάσματα από το φωτο-δημοσίευμα)





Elsa Martinelli

Cover Photo

Life magazine November 1957








[ ανάρτηση 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2024 :  

Elsa Martinelli

Life magazine November 1957

Gallery of Stars



Κινηματογραφικά ]








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