Τετάρτη 26 Ιουλίου 2023

Van Der Graaf Generator "H to He Who Am the Only One" album 1970 progressive rock εποχές βινυλίου ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ



“ H to He, Who am the Only One ”

album 1970

3rd studio album

progressive rock

εποχές βινυλίου







/ - το εξώφυλλο (εμπροσθότυπος)




/ - το εξώφυλλο (οπισθότυπος)







/ - το βινύλιο

Side A

/ - “ Killer

/ - “ House with No Door ”

/ - “ The Emperor in His War Room





/ - το βινύλιο

Side B

/ - “ Lost

       / a. The Dance in Sand and Sea

       / b. The Dance in Frost

/ - “ Pioneers over C ”




Τα μέλη των Van Der Graaf Generator :

/ - Peter Hammill : vocals, guitar, piano

/ - David Jackson : saxophone, flute, vocals

/ - Hugh Banton : Keyboards, piano, vocals, bass

/ - Nic Porter : bass

/ - Guy Evans : drums, percussion


extra personnel :

/ - Robert Fripp : guitar on the “Empire in his War Room”



producer : John Anthony



Τα L.P. των Van Der Graaf Generator μέχρι τότε:

/ 1. “ The Aerosol Grey Machine

   ( September 1969 )

/ 2. “ The Least We Can Do Is Wave to Each Other

   ( February 1970 )

/ 3. “ H to He, Who am the Only One

   ( December 1970 )











ενδεικτικοί στίχοι από το “Killer”:


And so you live in the bottom of the sea And you kill all that come near you But you are very lonely Because all the other fish fear you And you crave companionship And someone to call your own Because, for the whole of your life You've been living alone.




ενδεικτικοί στίχοι από το “The Emperor in His War Room”:



Standing in the space that holds the silent lace of night Away from you You think that you can hold the searing, moulten gold between Your fingers ... But it slips through, tearing tendons as it goes, Exposing the white of a knuckle ... Flesh-and-metal forming letters in the mould. Cradling you gun, after choosing the ones you think should die- Lying on the hill ... crawling over the windowsill into your Living-room They stare out, glass-eyed aimless heads, Bodies torn by vultures . You are the man whose hands are rank with the smell of death. Saviour of the Fallen, Protector of the Weak, Friend of the Tall Ones, Keeper of the Peace ... Ah, but it is the only way you know ... Looking out to sea, a flattened plane of weeds which bear no living You crush life in your fist as your heart is kissed by the lips Of death Ghosts betray you, ghosts betray you, in the night they steal your eye From its socket ... And the ball hangs fallen on your cheek. Complaining tongues are stilled; a thousand mouths are filled With rusting metal. Your face a shade of green; somehow you try to speak through all the Garbage in your mouth But it won't come out, and you cannot frame the words As your stepson Throws your fame into the flames and you are burned. Saviour of the Fallen, Protector of the Weak, Friend of the Tall Ones, Keeper of the Peace. Ah, but it is the only way you know ... Live by sword and you shall die so.





Ενδεικτικοί στίχοι από το “Lost”:


Dance in Sand and Sea So here we are, or rather, here I am, quite alone, I'm seeing things that were shared before, long ago My memory stretches and I am dazed: you know I know How good the time was and how I laughed Times have changed, now you're far away, I can't complain: I had all my chances but they slipped right through my hands - like so much sand; I know I'll never dance like I used to



Dance in Frost I wore my moods like so many different sets of clothes But the right one was never around; And as you left I heard my body ring And my mind began to howl It was far to late to contemplate the meaning of it all: You know that I need you, but somehow I don't think You see my love at all.





μουσική πρόταση: Άγγελος Κωτσάκης




δημοσίευμα για τους VAN DEER GRAAF

στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Sounds, 19 Δεκεμβρίου 1970.


The Mechanics

of Van Der Graaf

by Royston Eldridge



  PETER HAMMILL, vocalist with Van Der Graaf Generator, has written a historical synopsis of his band in which he talks of its development as if it were some machine.

   The apparatus was invented in 1968 after the chance combination of two units at Manchester University. After preliminary trials on various test beds in that area and a few changes in components, Van Der Graaf was unveiled to the general public in the closing month of that year.

   "However, certain bugs inherent in back-up logistics, led to a withdrawal from public service in the summer of ' 69. For a period the individual components were used in different configurations both individually and in conjunction with others."

  The "apparatus" was reassembled towards the end of last year when Van Der Graaf released an album that received unstinted praise. And, as anyone knows who has listened to that first album or has seen them on stage since, Van Der Graaf are by no means mechanical. They have a controlled looseness coupled with a high technical ability which ranks among the very best of the bands who've come to prominence during the last two years.

   The "components", as Peter Hammill called them, have changed during Van Der Graaf's existence. Sax and flute player Dave Jackson is the most recent addition and the last person to leave was

Nic Potter although he appears on some tracks on the group's new album titled "H to He Who Am The Only One".

   "Nic Potter left in the middle of the album," Peter Hammill explained this week. "He's a rocker at heart, Nic, and as it got more complex he began to feel more and more alienated from the music, but not from the people because we all still see each other.

   "He decided that he wanted to leave but stayed on for a month as we were half way through the album. On stage now Hugh Banton plays bass pedals on the organ."

   Hammill, who is responsible for most of the group's material, is much happier with the new album which is now available in the shops.

   "I'm happier with it for a number of reasons. The first one was done within two or three months of us getting together as a band and although there was empathy, there wasn't the level of empathy that there is now. And I think this new album comes out as a much more controlled thing because of the time we had to do it."

    Some of the tracks on the new album are the result of ideas that Hammill had over a year ago. It has taken him some time to complete them because of the attention he pays to lyrics.

   "Lyrics are so important," he says, "because I believe in the medium as a whole. I believe it is the most potent we have at our disposal as regards change. I think the changes will take a long time — I don't believe you can expect changes quickly, I don't think there'll be many changes in my lifetime — but there's a song on the next album which concerns saving our children's children's children and that's important. "



   The lyrics of Van Der Graaf's music, and the inventiveness with which they play it, has meant a steady rather than overnight rise to popularity for the group. But they are getting through to an increasingly larger audience both here and on the continent where they are regarded in high esteem.

   The new album should reach more heads because that is the area that his particular "apparatus" is aiming at.





Hugh Banton: Hammond organ and pedals, Hiwatt amplification


Guy Evans: Hayman drums


Dave Jackson: Yahama tenor, Selmer alto, bugs and devices, Gemeinhardt flute, Hiwatt amplification.


Peter Hammill: Yamaha FG -300 acoustic, Hohner Pianet.




Royston Eldridge, “The Mechanics of Van Der Graaf”, Sounds magazine, December 19, 1970, p.6.




προωθητική διαφήμιση

Προωθητική καταχώρηση του album των VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Sounds, 19 Δεκεμβρίου 1970. 






[ ανάρτηση 26 Ιουλίου 2023 :

Van Der Graaf Generator
H to He, Who Am the Only One

album 1970

progressive rock

εποχές βινυλίου 






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