Παρασκευή 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Donovan in Athens for a coffee-break 1968 New Musical Express March 1968 Record Mirror March 1968 Jenny Boyd Alexis Mardas Nick Mastorakis ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ


Donovan in Athens for a coffee-break

New Musical Express March 1968

Record Mirror March 1968

Nick Mast (Nick Mastorakis)





Alexis Mardas, Jenny Boyd and Donovan



Donovan wanted a coffee so he went to Greece for it



  For a 24-hour coffee-break pop singer Donovan visited Athens in blue jeans, a leather jacket, hair uncombed and a guitar as his only luggage.

   With Donovan on the plane were Jenny Boyd, 18-year-old sister of Patti Harrison, and Alexis Mardas, the Apple Electronic’s director.

   Said Alexis: “We were together in a party and I said: “How about a coffee?” We decided to have one – in Athens.”

   Donovan, Jenny and Alexis (who is the son of an ex-army officer) stayed away from cameras and reporters, well hidden, in the same place that the Beatles spent their holidays last summer.


           This is the scene


  Perfumed sticks, apples, fancy clothes and flowers all around the house… Jenny sleeping on a chair, and Donovan playing his own records – these were the first impressions I had on entering the house.

   “ I don’t believe in drag-music,” said Donovan, “because I believe in a life that is much bigger. I’m romantic and my music is not written for the city but for the country.

   “ Some people find their excitement and inspiration on a psychedelic basis, but for myself, it is a life which doesn’t exist any more.

   “ I am convinced that I have been on this world before…” he said, and then went silent.

     NICK MAST. (Νίκος Μαστοράκης)






(φωτογραφίες από το δημοσίευμα)




New Musical Express, March 2, 1968.




Το ανωτέρω δημοσίευμα, ανταπόκριση από την Ελλάδα, είναι αφόρμηση για την παρουσίαση του νέου διπλού άλμπουμ που θα κυκλοφορούσε ο Donovan στα μέσα Μαρτίου 1968.





(φωτογραφία από την προ-παρουσίαση του δίσκου του Donovan στο New Musical Express

Record Mirror, March 2, 1968

[ το ίδιο περίπου δημοσίευμα για την επίσκεψη του Donovan στην Αθήνα ]



   DONOVAN, in blue jeans and leather jacket, uncombed hair and carrying his main luggage (a guitar), called in on Athens for a quick 24-hour visit, Athens, Greece, was very pleased about it. . .

   With him on the same plane were Jenny Boyd, 18, and Alexis Mardas, director or Apple Electronics. Explained Mr. Mardas: "We were all together jn a party. I said 'how about a coffee?' . . . and we then decided to have that coffee In Athens."

   Don and his party stayed mainly away from cameras and reporters, well hidden in the same place that was a refuge for the holidaying Beatles last summer. The few visitors to the house found perfumed sticks, apples. fancy clothes and flowers, with Donovan playing his own records.

   He said: "I don't believe in drag music". Because l believe in life which ls much bigger. I am a romantic and my music is not written for the city but for the country. Some people find the excitement and the inspiration on a psychedelic basis but I, myself, believe in a life which doesn't exist any more. l'm convinced that J have been in this world before ... "

   During his one-day stay, Donovan sampled mountain tea and also took part in n night time go-kart race. Miss Boyd was the best driver, but Donovan said it was only because she had a better kart.

    A few hours later, waiting for the plane to Zurich, Donovan organised a special impromptu concert for airport porters . He said: "Brothers, I'll play for you." And invited them over to sit by him and he played his guitar for more than half-an-hour.

   Before checking in, he said he was very pleased with the springtime weather and from his unexpected visit "Greece is one of my most tender memories," he added "and I'll keep it that way."

Record Mirror, March 2nd, 1968.

( οι φωτογραφίες που συνοδεύουν το δημοσίευμα στο Record Mirror είναι ακριβώς οι ίδιες με του δημοσιεύματος του New Musical Express.) 

Melody Maker, March 2, 1968

(φωτογραφία από το Melody Maker, March 2, 1968, με αναφορά στην είσοδο του τραγουδιού “Jennifer Juniper” του Donovan στον πίνακα αγγλικών επιτυχιών singles, “Pop 30”.)





[ ανάρτηση 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 :  

Donovan in Athens for a coffee-break 1968

New Musical Express March 1968

Record Mirror March 1968

Nick Mast (Nick Mastorakis)





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