Πέμπτη 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Led Zeppelin (band) δημοσίευμα 1975 Sounds magazine May 1975 ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ


Led Zeppelin

δημοσίευμα 1975

Sounds magazine, May 3, 1975






Robert Plant





The biggest.

  By their unprecedented successes, Led Zeppelin are as good a definition as you'll find of the term at the start of this article. These things are never really possible to prove, but Led Zeppelin are probably the biggest - selling band in the world and the biggest live draw.

   The band grew out of the New Yardbirds, which Jimmy Page had attempted to get going from the ashes of the Old. With Robert Plant (vocals), John Paul Jones (bass) and John Bonham (drums), the band

Built on the Beck-Stewart sound, made it heavier, denser, even more overwhelming.

   Success, particularly in the States was instant. Zep made their own rules – never appeared on TV, never made a specific single release (though Atlantic released some album tracks in the States). The result was that everything they did was big, an event, untrivialised by the smaller media. Despite increasing diversity on their six albums, they are still regarded primarily as crazed rock'n'roll power plugged into the sockets and running direct into the jugular vein. In other words, evvy.




[ στα τέλη Φεβρουαρίου του 1975 είχε κυκλοφορήσει το έκτο κατά σειράν album των Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti” ]








aπό λεξικό παρουσίασης συγκροτημάτων στο περιοδικό Sounds, May 3, 1975.  







[ ανάρτηση 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 :  

Led Zeppelin

Sounds magazine, May 3, 1975

δημοσίευμα 1975



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