Κυριακή 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Pink Floyd "Atom Heart Mother" album 1970 progressive rock εποχές βινυλίου ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ


Pink Floyd

Atom Heart Mother

album 1970

released on 2 October 1970

5th studio album

progressive rock

εποχές βινυλίου





/ - το εξώφυλλο (ελληνική έκδοση)





/ - το οπισθόφυλλο (ελληνική έκδοση) 

 (Στην Ελλάδα κυκλοφόρησε με μονό εξώφυλλο)




/ - το εσώφυλλο ενιαίο (εκδόσεις του εξωτερικού)  






/ - το εσώφυλλο αριστερή πλευρά (αμερικάνικη έκδοση, αγγλική έκδοση)







/ - το εσώφυλλο δεξιά πλευρά (αμερικάνικη έκδοση, αγγλική έκδοση)




/ - το οπισθόφυλλο (αμερικάνικη έκδοση, αγγλική έκδοση - φωτο από το discogs)




/ - το βινύλιο (ελληνική έκδοση) 

Side 1

/ - Atom Heart Mother



/ - το βινύλιο (ελληνική έκδοση) 

Side 2

/ - If

/ - Summer ’68

/ - Fat Old Sun

/ - Alan’s Psychedelic Breakfast







Προωθητική διαφήμιση του δίσκου 10 Οκτωβρίου 1970, περιοδικό Melody Maker

Προωθητική καταχώρηση αναγγελίας κυκλοφορίας του δίσκου “Atom Heart Mother” στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Melody Maker, 10 Οκτωβρίου 1970.






Δημοσίευμα-δισκοκριτική στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Melody Maker, 10 Οκτωβρίου 1970.



Floyd’s best yet



"Atom Heart Mother" (Harvest). 


   “Atom Hear Mother” is, I believe, the piece played by the Floyd al Bath and in Hyde Park this summer, to such warm critical response.

   I didn't hear it on other occasion, but on the one side of this album which it occupies it comes over as possibly the  most mature and finisbed piece of music the group has yet produced.

   The composition is credited to all four

Members, but it doesn't say which was respronsible for the superb, majestic brass, strings and choir, which combines  with the rock instruments in the most satisfying way. The work has plenty of shifts of texture, but maintains a mood of superb relaxation which feels very good – rather similar to the effect of Vaughan Williams’ “Fantasia On A Theme Of Thomas Thallis”. One passage, in particular, is highly revealing: this is a loose blowing passage for guitar, organ, bass and drums, in which the resemblance to Booker T. Jones’ Memphis Group is unmistakeable. Dave Gilmour’s guitar is a dead ringer for Steve Cooper, and this is something I noticed at their last Albert Hall concert. They’re obviously a lot funkier than they’re given credit for.

   The second side seems rather pale after the sweep and general mastery of the title track, but it contains one of Roger Water’s prette pastoral songs called “If,” and lots of curious mumbling which I haven’t figured out yet.

   But buy it for sure, on the strength of “Atom Heart Mother” – a great piece of modern music.

 – R. W.

Melody Maker magazine, October 10, 1970, p.23











Δημοσίευμα – δισκοκριτική αρνητική –

 στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Record Mirror, 17 Οκτωβρίου 1970.


'Atom Heart Mother'

(Harvest SHVL 7811) 

Atom Heart Mother;


Summer 68;

Fat Old Sun;

Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast.

   THIS album is natural progression from the studio portions of `Ummagumma' – but the progression hasn't led anywhere.

   Their 20 odd minute `Atom Heart Mother', the only track on side one includes violins, trumpets, a cosmic choir and beautifully produced guitar playing.

   Side two's four tracks all have vocals – the first “If ”, with a very plaintive voice singing for much of the time with just a single guitar backing.

   It has a very cold effect – almost numbing in fact. The style of singing continues through the rest of the tracks, creating the overall impression of stillness.

Record Mirror magazine, October 17, 1970.





New Musical Express magazine, November 7, 1970

Πίνακας επιτυχιών για album (L.P.)

O πίνακας πωλήσεων ισχύει μόνο για την αγγλική αγορά

New Musical Expess, November 7, 1970.







Record Mirror, December 5, 1970

Πίνακας επιτυχιών για albums (L.P.)

Ο συγκεκριμένος πίνακας πωλήσεων albumς ισχύει μόνο για την αγγγλική αγορά.

Record Mirror magazine, December 5, 1970






Δημοσίευμα στο αγγλικό μουσικό περιοδικό Sounds, 19 Δεκεμβρίου 1970.


Pink Floyd

  THE PINK Floyd are brilliant musicians but it is undoubtedly their technical genius that has made them Britain's No. 1 truly progressive pop band.

   This was proved conclusively at Brighton's Big Apple on Friday night when the Floyd made one of their rare club appearances.

   They used every electrical trick they knew — tape recording, feedback, the lot — to zap a twelve hundred plus crowd into a state of be mused incredulity.

   Thankfully the Floyd are one of the few bands who refuse to be governed by sheer volume. They use more than 30 speakers and they are certainly loud. But they obviously go to a lot of trouble to ensure that every sound is clearly audible.

   The band have been together for a long time now and they are so professional that their music is sometimes almost too well rehearsed. But they do a lot of good things to compensate.

   Headed by the clear ringing guitar of Dave Gilmour and backed by crisp drumming from Nicki Mason they played a superb set which included several tracks from their new album [:Atom Heart Mother].

   At times they were far out, freaky even. For example they made excellent use of tape recorded sounds ranging from crying babies to galloping horses and explosions.

   To a large extent Floyd rely on mood and atmosphere to back up their act. In this respect Big Apple — a kind of mini Lyceum — was the perfect venue.

   The Floyd always give value for money and Friday night was no exception. They played well over their time combining old favourites like "Saucerful Of Secrets" with excerpts from their new work "Atom Heart Mother".

   The crowd loved them and brought them back for "Astonomy Domini", at the end of a two hour session.



Sounds magazine, December 19, 1970, Richard Sharpe, “Pink Floyd”, Live Sounds, p. 16.







Melody Maker, December 26, 1970

Δημοσίευμα για συναυλία των Pink Floyd στις 18 Δεκεμβρίου 1970 στο δημαρχείο του Μπίρμιγχαμ.


Pink Floyd

   It takes courage to record a project like Pink Floyd’s “Atom Heart Mother”. But it is an  even bolder step to take the work on the road.

   Yet the occasion was an unqualified success when Pink Floyd performed “Atom Heart Mother” with choir and brass at Birmingham Town Hall on Friday (18), the first of four provincial dates.

   Unlike their Hyde Park summer concert, when the music was lost to the birds and the trees, they were able to fill the vast Town Hall with glorious sounds.

   It was a moving experience and a truly brilliant exercise in combining the world’s of electronic, orchestral and choral music.

   Their opening number “Alan’s Psychedelic Breakfast” was better than the L.P. version.

   Pink Floyd also featured “Fat Old Sun” from the “Atom Heart Mother” album. But it was in doing one of their more familiar items, “Saucerful Of Secrets,” that they really pulled out all the stops.

 – Dennis Detheridge

Melody Maker magazine, December 26, 1970, column: Caught in the Act, p. 15.










Melody Maker, December 26, 1970

Πίνακας επιτυχιών για albums

Top 30 albums



/ - ο πίνακας πωλήσεων albums (L.P.) του αγγλικού μουσικού περιοδικού Melody Maker, 26 Δεκεμβρίου 1970.

Ισχύει μόνο για την αγγλική αγορά.








[ ανάρτηση 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 :  

Pink Floyd

Atom Heart Mother

album 1970

progressive rock

εποχές βινυλίου 





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