Δευτέρα 6 Μαΐου 2024

Carole Lombard Photo Film-Lovers' Annual magazine 1933 Picture Play magazine January 1938 Gallery of Stars Καλλονές Θεάματα Κινηματογραφικά


Carole Lombard


Film-Lovers’ Annual magazine 1933

Picture Play magazine January 1938

Gallery of Stars









Carole Lombard


CAROLE LOMBARD, then Carole Peters, graduated to the studios from a dramatic school in Hollywood. She was just struggling out of the ruck of screen ingenues when she was involved in an automobile accident that left her with a terribly disfigured face. For a long time it seemed that she would never appear before the cameras again. Then California’s most famous plastic surgeon operated upon her, and by almost miraculous skill saved her for the screen.

   If you look very closely next time you see a close-up of the Lombard face you may see two faint white lines that are the only mementoes of the crash.

   She fought her way back to the major studios via Mack Sennett’s Beach Beauties, and now she is at the top of the talkies. She scored hits in Between Heaven and Hell, No More Orchids and No Man of Her Own.

   In private life she is Mrs. William Powell.


δημοσίευμα ii.



Carole Lombard


   In a surpassingly graceful gesture Carole Lombard swirls her cape around her at the finish of "Nothing Sacred" [1937 comedy film] with Fredric March. She knows it ends a good job well done.

   Then she filmed "True Confession" [1937 comedy film] with Fred MacMurray and John Barrymore, and right now is costarring with Fernand Gravet in "Fools for Scandal" [1938 comedy film].

   She picks every role she plays. Carole has reached the top at last!

Picture Play magazine January 1938, p. 13. 







[ ανάρτηση 6 Μαϊου 2024 :  

Carole Lombard


Film-Lovers’ Annual magazine 1933

Picture Play magazine January 1938

Gallery of Stars



Κινηματογραφικά ]





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