Πέμπτη 6 Ιουνίου 2024

The Sex Goddesses "Sex and The Movie Queens" by Lynne Bell The Sun Herald November 1966 Καλλονές Θεάματα Κινηματογραφικά Theda Bara Clara Bow Mary Pickford Mae West Marlene Dietriech Greta Garbo Jean Harlow Marilyn Monroe Elizabeth Taylor


The Sex Goddesses

Theda Bara

Clara Bow

Mary Pickford

Mae West

Marlene Dietrich

Greta Garbo

Jean Harlow

Marilyn Monroe

Elizabeth Taylor

Sex and the Movie Queens

by Lynne Bell

The Sun Herald November 1966











( o τίτλος του δημοσιεύματος )


( υπέρτιτλος )










/ - a1.






/ - a2.






/ - a3.

  That answer was the “sex goddess”, the celluloid image of woman at her most desirable, most destructive and most powerful.







/ - a4.









/ - a5.







The “Vamp”

/ - a6.

Theda Bara

The first screen Vamp

The first Sex Goddess

Theda Bara

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )









/ - a7.

Theda Bara






/ - a8.

Clara Bow

   At this point, English writer Elinor Glyn, was imported to impose her ideal of sex appeal on the screen and the career of her protégé, Clara Bow, the original “It” girl.  

   It” – the phrase conmotated by Hollywood for madame Glyn’s description of the strong magnetism which attracts both sexes – became a trend in that slangy era and women everywhere were soon copying the mechanisms of the “It” girl – keeping their heads low and glancing up from under the eyebrows.


Clara Bow

The “It” girl

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )





/ - a9.

Clara Bow









/ - b1.

Clara Bow

   Clara Bow had lived a life off screen that aped the flapper girl’s fantasies on it; but the publicity value of wild parties, love affairs with stars like Gary Cooper, fast cars and seven red chows dyed to match her hair, turned sour.





/ - b2.

Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )





/ - b3.

Mae West


Mae West

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )




/ - b4.

   Sex generally was then regarded as rather amusing and Mae West treated it with a ribald respect which endeared her to moviegoers but not to the earnest bands of moralists who sprang up all over the country, enthusiastic their zeal to clean up American morals, on screen and off.










Two new Sex Goddesses

Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo


/ - b5.

Hollywood produced two new sex goddesses:  

Marlene Dietrich


Greta Garbo  








/ - b6.

   Both women (Dietrich and Garbo) wore auras of mystery, accentuated by skillful lighting, make-up and shading on their faces, and they portrayed women with questioning backgrounds, depths of experience.







/ - b7.

   The new sex goddess was mystery – and the world loved it.

   She was a woman fiercely independent, treating sex as an instrument to make her man come to heel of spurning it completely, relying solely on her ability to aesthetically fascinate men.







/ - b8.

   Off screen, Dietrich and Garbo continued the role of women not needing men.

 [ Marlene Dietrich ]

   Dietrich, though married to one mane since her German screen days, always appears in public alone, reinforcing the view of her as a rootless one, a femme fatale who travels alone.











/ - b9.

[ Greta Garbo [

   Garbo, strongly attracted by celibate roles, chose “bachelorhood” as part of her screen myth.

   Any deviation into marriage would have made her vulnerable to loss of public favour.












 / - b10.

Jean Harlow sex symbol of the 1930s

Marilyn Monroe sex symbol of the 1950s








/ - b11.

Jean Harlow, the platinum blonde.


Jean Harlow

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )










/ - b12.

Marilyn Monroe:

“If I’m going to be a symbol of something, I’d rather have it sex”






/ - b13.

   Harlow provided a focus for the social disarray of the depression. 

   Marilyn Monroe gained stardom at the post-war peak of Americas’ material prosperity. 











/ - b. 13

Elizabeth Taylor

comparison between Elizabeth Taylor and Gloria Swanson




Elizabeth Taylor

( φωτο από το δημοσίευμα )





/ - b14.

Elizabeth Taylor









The Sun Herald, Sydney, Australia, Sunday, November 6, 1966, pp. 51, 90.


( ο τίτλος της εφημερίδος )










Το βιβλίο που αναφέρεται στο δημοσίευμα

Alexander Walker, “Sex in the Movies: The Celluloid Sacrifice”, 1966.




 (  φωτο από το διαδίκτυο )



Τα περιεχόμενα:

/ - 1. The Goddesses

/ Bara, Bow

/ Pickford

/ Mae West

/ Dietrich

/ Garbo

/ Harlow and Monroe

/ Elizabeth Taylor




Εξώφυλλο του βιβλίου

( φωτο από το διαδίκτυο )












[ ανάρτηση 6 Ιουνίου 2024 :  

The Sex Goddesses

Sex and the Movie Queens

by Lynne Bell

The Sun Herald November 1966

Theda Bara

Clara Bow

Mary Pickford

Mae West

Marlene Dietrich

Greta Garbo

Jean Harlow

Marilyn Monroe

Elizabeth Taylor



Κινηματογραφικά ]






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