Η αναζήτηση σεναρίων για ταινίες
Πρώτα εκδίδεις μυθιστόρημα ή διήγημα
ή ανεβάζεις θεατρικό έργο και μετά
γίνεσαι σεναριογράφος στο Hollywood
The Free Lance-Star
April 1966
( o τίτλος του δημοσιεύματος )
/ - 1.
David Brown,
50-year-old story chief of Twentieth Century-Fox, was in London recently
looking over the literary scene.
“We are always
on the lookout for new movie stories,” said Brown. “But we do not look at submissions from unknown and unpublished
/ - 2.
/ - 3.
- How does a
writer sell to the movies?
- “ By first becoming a published writer – by getting
a novel or short story published or a play accepted for television or theater production.”
/ - 4.
/ - 5.
– What are the
rewards like?
– “The top
price paid for the movie rights to a novel is reputed to be $600, 000 for the
movie rights of James Michener’s novel “Hawaii”.
The second
highest was reputed to be $500, 000 paid for Irwin Shaw’s novel ‘Lucy Crown.‘ ”
/ - 6.
/ - 7.
– “ As for trends, I think there is now a trend
developing toward science-fiction novels.
I recently
recommended purchase of a novel of international intrigue. I believe that the
spy film will become a staple item in the movie industry, like the thriller,
the crime film and the Western.”
The Free Lance-Star,
Fredericksburg, Virginia, (U.S.A.), Thursday, April 28, 1966, p. 10.
( o τίτλος της εφημερίδος )
[ ανάρτηση 19 Οκτωβρίου 2024 :
Η αναζήτηση σεναρίων για ταινίες
Πρώτα εκδίδεις μυθιστόρημα ή διήγημα ή ανεβάζεις θεατρικό έργο
και μετά γίνεσαι σεναριογράφος στο Hollywood
The Free Lance-Star
April 1966
Κινηματογραφικά ]
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