Τετάρτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2024

Liz Campbell Photo Life magazine September 1962 Gallery of Stars Καλλονές Θεάματα


Liz Campbell


Life magazine September 1962

Gallery of Stars






Liz Campbell

Photographed for LIFE by GORDON PARKS




Liz Campbell (model)

   The girl modeling the brilliantly colored clothes on these pages is 23-year-old Liz Campbell, daughter of famous American cartoonist E. Simms Campbell. Liz is new to the ranks of U.S. models, partly because she has been living and working in Europe and partly because she is a Negro—one of a few who are finally breaking into the world of high fashion modeling.


   Ever since Paris succumbed to the lure of the East a decade ago, Oriental, Eurasian and American Negro models have been popular in the top fashion houses of Europe, where their lush coloring and dramatic features enhanced the bold colors and rich fabrics increasingly favored by designers. Despite their European success, Negro models were limited in the U.S. to modeling for Negro magazines and fashion stores, with rare appearances in an integrated show.

   One barrier fell recently when Negro girls began to appear as house models in the elite salons of New York’s top-flight designers. Still to be won is acceptance in the tougher —and more lucrative—field of fashion photography; but a lovely pioneer in the breakthrough of beauty is Liz Campbell, who shows off some of America’s exotic styles.


Liz Campbell






Life magazine, September 10, 1962, pp. 69-71.








[ ανάρτηση 27 Νοεμβρίου 2024 :  

Liz Campbell


Life magazine September 1962

Gallery of Stars


Θεάματα ]






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Κώστας Γαληνός "Οι Μοιραίοι" σονέττο δημοσίευση 1926 περ. "Αργώ" (Αλεξάνδρεια) ΠΟΙΗΣΗ

  Κώστας Γαληνός « Οι Μοιραίοι » σονέττο δημοσίευση 1926 περ. «Αργώ» (Αλεξάνδρεια) ΠΟΙΗΣΗ         (φωτογραφία από τη δημο...