Sink the
Βυθίσατε το Βίσμαρκ
war film 1960
Time magazine
March 1960
card - “Sink the Bismarck” (1960)
Sink the Bismarck
(20th Century-Fox)
The episode
of the Bismarck was one of the more
peculiar and dramatic sea fights of World War II.
On May 21,
1941, the day after the German invasion of Crete the 45,000-ton battleship Bismarck was reported steaming out of
the Kattegat into the North Sea, escorted by the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. Two days later, the pride
of the Nazi navy was sighted speeding south toward the shipping lanes of the
open Atlantic. Two British ships of the line engaged her. Bismarck quickly sank
H.M.S. Hood, the biggest ship in the
British battle fleet, and battered H.M.S.
Prince of Wales so badly that she steamed off under a smoke screen.
Could Bismarck reach a safe port in Occupied
France? Once there, she could come out as she pleased and cut the vital chain
of convoys to the British Isles. In desperation the Royal Navy closed in and
for two hours pounded the German giant with everything it had. At last, six
days after she was sighted in the Kattegat, Bismarck was sunk, but only by the
combined efforts of three battle-ships, four battle cruisers. two aircraft
carriers, eleven cruisers, 19 destroyers and a number of shore-based planes.
The German surface fleet never again challenged Britannia’s claim to rule the
For the most
part the episode is competently and even vividly recounted in this film
financed by Fox but produced in England by John Brabourne, the 35year-old son-in-law
of Earl Mountbatten, Britain's Chief of Defense Staff.
noted: the hero (Kenneth More) is just a gold-striped cliché, and the heroine
(Dana Wynter), in view of the urgent need to sink the Bismarck, spends an almost treasonable amount of time trying to
float her own office romance.
Time magazine, March 21, 1960,
column: Cinema, p. 83.
H ταινία ήταν ασπρόμαυρη, γυρισμένη
σε σινεμασκόπ (πατέντα της 20th Century
Παιζόταν για αρκετά
χρόνια στους κινηματογράφους της Αθήνας κατά τη δεκαετία του 1960 και τις αρχές
του 1970.
[ ανάρτηση 21 Μαρτίου 2025 :
Sink the Bismarck
Βυθίσατε το Βίσμαρκ
black-and-white war film 1960
Time magazine March
Κινηματογραφικά ]
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