Κυριακή 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Richard Todd "Don't Bother to Knock" comedy film 1961 αναγγελία γυρισμάτων της ταινίας Film Review magazine November 1960 Κινηματογραφικά


Richard Todd

Don’t bother to knock

1961 comedy film

Film Review magazine November 1960

αναγγελία  γυρισμάτων της ταινίας





(το εξώφυλλο του περιοδικού  Film Review, Νοέμβριος 1960.

 Η Elke Sommer πρωταγωνίστρια της ταινίας “Don't  Bother to Knock”. )




  We quote Richard Todd on his new film “Don’t Bother To Knock”. Not that he has been deprived of female company in his other films; far from it. His screen partners have included such sirens as Eva Bartok, Martine Carol, Anne Baxter and Juliette Greco, but Richard Todd gets quantity as well as quality this time — four leading ladies and ten “ starlets ”.

   That’s what comes of being your own boss in a film! “Send me five blondes, four brunettes, three redheads, range 36-22-30,” you can say, and a consignment arrives by the next coach. “Don’t Bother To Knock”, you see, is Richard’s own first independent production with his new company, Richard Todd-Haileywood Productions Ltd., for Associated British.

    “As my own boss,” he said, “I’m certainly having fun in this film. I play a travel agent who has numerous romantic affairs with girls of all nations. I give each one a key to my bachelor flat in Edinburgh, and things really get tricky when they all turn up at once during the Festival!”

   We were chatting over a cup of tea in a restaurant in Edinburgh, where Richard Todd had a date with an attractive young Festival guide, who turned out to be June Thorburn. Edinburgh, however, was in reality over 300 miles away, and this interview took place on the set of "Don't Bother To Knock" at Elstree, where the restaurant was one of several sets built for this film.


   “There has been tremendous enthusiasm about the international stars we have signed up for this film,” he went on. “The scores of press interviews and camera bulbs flashing everywhere, both on arrival and on location in Edinburgh and the south coast, is evidence of the exciting quality of these international names who are new and news to Britain.

  Elke Sommer is just plain exciting in any language! Nicole Maurey is one of the most delicious girls you could find anywhere. It was my plain good fortune that, with all her other commitments, she was able to do the role, and that it suited her so well. It all started quite by chance when I saw her in a London restaurant and knew at once that she was the perfect choice for the French girl part. Within two days all the agreements were completed.


   “ Of the two English girls, June Thorbum was our choice right from the time we first started scripting; out of all English actresses she was ideal for the part. A nineteen-year-old, Dawn Beret so impressed our director Cyril Frankel that he has described her as ‘the most talented girl I ever met’.

   As a male continental star, we have Rik Battaglia —a ‘beefcake’ idol in Italy.”


“ Have you found it difficult to launch your first independent production?” I asked.

   “ Setting up this film has not meant so very much of a mental switch for me,” he said, “though there is indeed a lot of extra worry and work involved. I aimed to keep myself free of other engagements in order to devote all my time to the job, but at the crucial moment “The Long And The Short And The Tall” went into production. During the time I was filming here with Laurence Harvey and Richard Harris, I spent every lunch-time and evening discussing “Don’t Bother To Knock”.


  “ I was fortunate in persuading Frank Godwin to produce the picture and Cyril Frankel — an English director with a big international reputation — to direct. It has turned out a very happy combination and we would all like to keep this a regular team for future productions if we can.


   “ Associated British have gone out of their way to help me branch out on my own,” he continued. “ After twelve years at Elstree, I have been able to hand-pick my team of film-makers, and the studios have co-operated all along the line.”


   “ I take it you feel very happy about this picture altogether,” I said.


  “ I certainly have a tremendous sense of achievement in having put the thing together,” he replied. “ My feeling at the end of it all will naturally depend on how the film turns out, but I shall, in any event, have the satisfaction of having achieved a long-standing ambition.

    “ Naturally, it makes for more worry having financial interests in a picture rather than just acting in it. For instance, the first thing I think on waking up in the morning is: ‘ What sort of weather is it for locations ?’ At the end of the day, instead of going home, relaxing over dinner and learning my lines for the next morning, I have to discuss the day’s work and all that we have still to do. Fortunately, I have always taken a deep interest in the production aspect of films I have made for other people, so I haven’t had to spend time learning technicalities.


  “ I certainly don’t consider this as a complete change of vocation,” he added. “ I hope I will always be an actor as well as setting up my own films.”

    We certainly hope so too. Looking back over the years and recollecting his many brilliant performances at these very studios; remembering him in “The Hasty Heart”, “The Dam Busters”, “Yangtse Incident”, “Chase A Crooked Shadow” ... we wish him luck in his new venture, and many happy roles to come.


             Roy Curtis-Bramwell



  “Don't Bother To Knock” is Richard Todd's first venture into film production. Being also the star of the film, it is natural that he should give careful consideration to the selection of a leading lady ... but fancy grabbing four! The pair in this location picture are Nicole Maurey and Elke Sommer, from Paris and Nuremberg respectively.



Film Review magazine, November 1960



H ταινία κυκλοφόρησε στα 1961 με τίτλο για την αγγλική αγορά «Don’t Bother to Knock” και για την αμερικάνικη αγορά «Why Bother to Knock”.






[ ανάρτηση 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2024:  

Richard Todd

Don’t bother to knock

1961 comedy film

Film Review magazine November 1960

αναγγελία  γυρισμάτων της ταινίας

Κινηματογραφικά ]




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