How Hitler
plans to enslave Europe
American magazine January 1942
Πολιτική Σκακιέρα
by Hugh O’Connor
A new peace offer is expected soon from Hitler. Here’s
what he'll demand. It’s a vast Nazi plan of world domination, uncovered by the British
and exiled governments. Revealed for the first time by our London
correspondent, it explains why Rudolph Hess was sent to England... why Hitler
had to invade Russia... what aroused Europe’s vanquished people to sabotage and
Riots, assassinations,
guerrilla fights, and mass executions are spreading in the almost forgotten
nations which have been defeated or dominated by Hitler. They are more than the
outraged expression of peoples deprived of their liberties. They identify what
may now be reported as the Battle of Europe — a battle of greater importance
than all previous battles put together.
Its field
is different. The battles of Poland, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, France,
and of Russia, have been only a military preparation for this Battle of Europe —
which may touch the United States more extensively than any metal likely to be
thrown at us in anger.
The present
battle is the resistance of disarmed peoples to the process whereby Hitler’s
men are now organizing a population of more than 300,000,000 as an industrial
monopoly of Europe, exclusively for the benefit of Germany. Hitler’s plan is to
establish all certified Nazis in a more opulent standard of living than any
nation has ever reached — based on practically enslaved labor — and if successful
it will enable the Nazis at will to launch an economic blitzkrieg against the British Empire and the United States.
At the word
“economic” some may be inclined to withdraw to more dramatic fields, but in the
present instance there is enough menace and enough drama in the Nazi plan to
command common attention.
It is a plan
which required Hitler to attack Russia rather than England, and which caused
Hitler’s second in command, Rudolf Hess, to fly solo to England in a Messerschmitt
plane and land by parachute on May 10th in advance of Germany’s attack on
Russia. Hess wanted to secure a free hand for Hitler in Europe in exchange for
the abandonment of a shooting war with the British. Such a deal would have left
the United States alone to face the Nazis.
[ απόδοση
στα Ελληνικά:
Είναι ένα σχέδιο που απαιτούσε ο Χίτλερ να επιτεθεί
στη Ρωσία και όχι στην Αγγλία, και που έκανε τον δεύτερο τη τάξει στην διοίκηση
του Χίτλερ, τον Ρούντολφ Έςς, να πετάξει μόνος του στην Αγγλία με ένα αεροπλάνο
Messerschmitt και να προσγειωθεί με αλεξίπτωτο στις 10 Μαΐου πριν από την
επίθεση της Γερμανίας στη Ρωσία. Ο Ρούντολφ Έςς ήθελε να εξασφαλίσει ένα
ελεύθερο χέρι στον Χίτλερ στην Ευρώπη με αντάλλαγμα την εγκατάλειψη ενός πολέμου
με τους Βρετανούς. Μια τέτοια συμφωνία θα είχε αφήσει τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες
μόνες να αντιμετωπίσουν τους Ναζί.
They thought
Britain would agree, not only because of a desire for peace, but also because,
in an anti-Communistic period not far past, Britain had shown some interest in
having Germany turn eastward against Russia rather than westward toward the
Channel. The British believed, however, that the Germans were going to attack
Russia anyhow. They warned the Russians of it and put Hess, with his broken
ankle, in jail, and let the Nazis take their course. The Nazis attacked the
Russians on June 22d.
Whenever the
Germans come to what seems to them a good stopping point with the Russians,
they are expected to renew the peace offer in the form which is already
indicated by their operations in the economic Battle of Europe. The renewed
offer, when it comes, may seem deceptively attractive from a distance unless it
is read against its present European background.
The Nazi
plan for the permanent organization of Europe begins now to emerge reliably,
because the Germans have shown no gift for concealment. Their orders and instructions
have been explicit in order to be understood and carried out. These are being
patiently collected and pieced together in London, not only by the British
government, but also by exiled governments.
appears to have no intention of Germanizing all of Europe, but only of haying
Germany dominate all of it permanently.
It may seem
generous when he finally offers to limit the political boundaries of Germany to
those which he mapped for a Greater Germany at the outbreak of this war. Those
boundaries would restore Germany to the territory she held before the first
World War, including the Danzig Corridor and East Prussia, plus postwar Austria,
Sudetenland, Bohemia, Moravia, and a part of the Polish territory taken back at
the outset of the present war.
the new German Reich, model of 1942, or as soon as Hitler can achieve it
thereafter, is to be identified as the homeland only of certified Germans, to
whom he refers in German as Herrenvolk —the
master race. The British pronounce it, Herring-Folks.
The states
politically excluded from this new Reich are not to be set free, however.
Around them will run a customs frontier which will serve as the boundary of
German industrial monopoly, which Hitler and his advisers have yet to locate
precisely. It is expected to include the Low Countries, northern France, and
the industrial sections of adjacent countries. Within this customs frontier,
the Nazis will rule with as much absolutism in industry as they rule within the
Reich in politics. Germans will have executive
and skilled positions, while unskilled labor will be delegated to non-Germans.
Beyond this
customs frontier, the outlying portions of Europe will be devoted to
agriculture, and the manufacture with cheap labor of such goods of common consumption
as clothes. If there are any islanded sections where heavy industry is now
located, such industries will be throttled after the peace.
[ απόδοση στα Ελληνικά:
Πέρα από αυτά τα τελωνειακά σύνορα, τα
απομακρυσμένα τμήματα της Ευρώπης θα αφιερωθούν στη γεωργία και στην κατασκευή
με φθηνό εργατικό δυναμικό τέτοιων αγαθών κοινής κατανάλωσης, όπως τα ρούχα.
Εάν υπάρχουν νησιωτικά τμήματα όπου βρίσκεται τώρα η βαριά βιομηχανία, τέτοιες βιομηχανίες θα καταπνιγούν με την προσφερόμενη ειρήνη. ]
With the
ruthlessness which the Nazis have shown so far, they will change the
occupational map and the national map wherever necessary to conform with their
concepts of the outside boundaries of the political German Reich. They are
already conducting mass migrations, the extermination of populations, and the
destruction of industry.
[ απόδοση στα Ελληνικά:
Με την σκληρότητα που έχουν δείξει μέχρι τώρα οι
Ναζί, θα αλλάξουν τον επαγγελματικό χάρτη και τον εθνικό χάρτη όπου χρειαστεί
για να συμμορφωθούν με τις αντιλήψεις τους για τα εξωτερικά όρια του πολιτικού
γερμανικού Ράιχ. Ήδη πραγματοποιούν μαζικές μεταναστεύσεις, εξόντωση πληθυσμών
και καταστροφή της βιομηχανίας. ]
These are the
operations which have caused the rise of resistance in Europe and the Nazi
repressions which have attracted attention to the proposed new order. The
severity of the repression is an indication of the vigor of the resistance. One
of the unforseen consequences of a blitzkrieg
is that it moves so quickly it defeats but doesn’t exhaust its victims. They’ve
enough vitality left to bother the Nazis and gain the support of the remaining
free democratic countries.
The behavior
of the Norwegians has almost driven mad the original Quisling who betrayed
them. Pavelitch, who is Hitler’s man in Yugoslavia, dares not appear in public
without a bodyguard of 100 men. In France, where resistance in the unoccupied
territory is now as bitter as in the occupied, they first got rid of Laval and
then tried to shoot him.
Hitler’s notorious suppressor of resistance, is roving from one defeated nation
to another — from Norway, to Czechoslovakia, to France — demanding the mass
execution of citizens for each German killed.
[ απόδοση
στα Ελληνικά:
Ο Reinhard Heydrich (υψηλόβαθμος
των SS), ο διαβόητος καταστολέας της αντίστασης ενάντια στον Χίτλερ,
περιφέρεται από το ένα ηττημένο έθνος στο άλλο - από τη Νορβηγία, στην
Τσεχοσλοβακία, στη Γαλλία - απαιτώντας τη μαζική εκτέλεση πολιτών για κάθε
Γερμανό που σκοτώθηκε.
Meanwhile, the Nazis pursue
their plan of acquiring industrial control, not only for the war effort but for
all future time. They do it with the color of legality by purchasing control from holders who, under German
prompting, find it wiser to sell. In some instances the Germans make the
purchases with funds they borrow from occupied national banks; in other
instances with the proceeds of levies or taxes.
In Norway,
the Germans seized Norwegian money presses and printed such funds as they
needed. The money paid by the Germans has little worth because there’s little
to purchase with it. And it shrinks in value as they pour it out.
Once in
control of industries, they manipulate them for the advantage of the German war
effort. By closing down non-war industries, they create unemployment and
starvation which the conquered people can avoid only by agreeing to go to
Germany to work. About 2,000,000 workers from occupied countries are now
employed in Germany, freeing a corresponding number of Nazis for service in German
[ απόδοση
στα Ελληνικά:
Μόλις ελέγξουν τις βιομηχανίες, τις χειραγωγούν
προς όφελος της γερμανικής πολεμικής προσπάθειας. Κλείνοντας τις μη πολεμικές
βιομηχανίες, δημιουργούν ανεργία και πείνα που μπορούν να αποφύγουν οι
κατακτημένοι λαοί μόνο αν συμφωνήσουν να πάνε στη Γερμανία για να δουλέψουν.
Περίπου 2.000.000 εργάτες από τις κατεχόμενες χώρες απασχολούνται τώρα στη
Γερμανία, απελευθερώνοντας αντίστοιχο αριθμό Ναζί για υπηρεσία στα γερμανικά
In agricultural countries,
the Nazis are exacting from banks large credits which Germany will probably
never have to repudiate, because German expenditures are inflating currencies
toward the point of worthlessness.
the French in occupied territory, against their will, are supplying Nazi armies
with tanks, airplanes, parachutes, and gas masks. Belgium is building Nazi
ships. Denmark is repairing them. Holland is making dive bombers and wireless
apparatus. Czechoslovakia is making armament of all kinds, especially tanks and
guns. Poland is supplying aircraft and digging coal for Hitler. Yugoslavia is
producing copper and chrome. Greece is producing nickel.
Norway provides aluminum and fish oil, and has recently been put to work on skis
to help Germans in Russia.
Perhaps the
most successful counter to this flow of supplies was accidentally developed by
the British Broadcasting Company. A Belgian broadcaster casually observed to
his unseen audience that the letter V stands
for Victory in English, Victoire in French, and Vrijheid, or Freedom, in Flemish, and could be written easily and swiftly on a
wall, and would annoy the Germans.
Belgium, France, and other countries in Europe broke out in such a rash of V’s
that the British government discovered it was actually in wide communication
with resisters of the Nazis.
Minister Churchill took the air and urged the coerced peoples of Europe to
refuse collaboration with the Nazis. The Minister of Labor, Ernest Bevin,
launched a slowdown campaign which is credited with cutting production of war
supplies for Germany by 20 per cent.
The Nazis
have made various attempts to counter the V campaign. They fined occupants of
houses on which a V was chalked during the night. Then the supposedly
subjugated people chalked the letter on German barracks. Nazi sentries were
instructed by some commanders to shoot any man, woman, or child chalking up a V
Germans were thereafter discovered with V’s chalked on their backs in
streetcars or crowds.
British broadcasting
officials are somewhat aghast at the audacities which have resulted from
bringing isolated resisters to Germany together in the V movement. On top of
this, the prolonged resistance of the Russians is also responsible, in their opinion,
for the riots and assassinations which have provoked recent violent Nazi
The British
are trying to persuade the resisters to stick to reasonably effective
resistance — to buy up as much food and as many supplies as they can and so
leave little for the Germans, to conceal their crops from the conquerors, to
demand better wages from the Germans and then waste their time. The advice is
for sabotage at present rather than violence, though violence does begin with
In the uneasy
situation into which resistance to the Nazis has brought Europe, Hitler not
only needs peace but wants to discuss it whenever he can drive Russia, safely
out of her great industrial and agricultural regions.
As a basis
for future operations, he would first like a pacified Europe permanently
organized as the Nazi industrial monopoly already described, where there would
be no heavy industry, other than German, fit to equip a military machine. The
non-German countries would have to accept any German pay offered for their
factory labor, because there would be no other employer, and they would have to
accept any German prices for their foodstuffs, because there would be no other
All that
Germany would do if their populations overexpanded would be to correct unemployment
by constructing strategical roads which would enable the Nazis to reblitz the
dominated nations if they dared to reject the treatment which it pleased Hitler
and his followers to deal out to them.
To make this
pleasant picture secure for the Nazis, it was necessary first to smash the
Russian industrial system, which might have broken the German industrial
[ απόδοση στα Ελληνικά:
Για να γίνει ασφαλής αυτή η ευχάριστη εικόνα για
τους Ναζί, ήταν απαραίτητο πρώτα να συντριβεί το ρωσικό βιομηχανικό σύστημα, το
οποίο θα μπορούσε να είχε σπάσει το γερμανικό βιομηχανικό μονοπώλιο. ]
Now Hitler
would like a peace with Britain, so that he may next take on the United States
economically. Of course, Britain’s turn would come later, but the Britons are
not supposed to suspect that.
[ απόδοση
στα Ελληνικά:
Τώρα ο Χίτλερ θα ήθελε μια ειρήνη με τη Βρετανία,
ώστε στη συνέχεια να αντιμετωπίσει οικονομικά τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Φυσικά, η
σειρά της Βρετανίας θα ερχόταν αργότερα, αλλά οι Βρετανοί δεν πρέπει να
υποψιάζονται κάτι τέτοιο.
The German economic machine,
which Hitler proposes to have working at full efficiency within ten years after
a satisfactory (to him) military peace, would compete with anyone anywhere. By
sustaining a lean German standard of living for a few years, it could drive the
United States out of its foreign markets, notably out of South America.
[ απόδοση
στα Ελληνικά:
Η γερμανική οικονομική μηχανή, την οποία ο Χίτλερ
προτείνει να λειτουργήσει με πλήρη απόδοση μέσα σε δέκα χρόνια μετά από μια
ικανοποιητική (για αυτόν) στρατιωτική ειρήνη, θα ανταγωνιζόταν οποιονδήποτε
οπουδήποτε. Διατηρώντας ένα λιτό (χαμηλό) γερμανικό βιοτικό επίπεδο για μερικά
χρόνια, θα μπορούσε να εκδιώξει τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες από τις ξένες αγορές
τους, ιδίως από τη Νότια Αμερική. ]
There is at present no
economic Monroe Doctrine and 30 per cent of the exports of South America are sold
in Europe in peace-time. Meanwhile, the United States is struggling to help
South America out of its undistributed stocks. If Germany returned to the
market, the problem would be solved — for South America, on German terms.
The British
are determined, however, to have none of this solution.
Το άρθρο του Hugh O’Connor «Πώς ο Χίτλερ σχεδιάζει να
υποδουλώσει την Ευρώπη» δημοσιεύθηκε στο περιοδικό The American, Ιανουάριο 1942, στις σελ. 18-19
και 99-100.
( Ατυχώς μερικά από τα
κατονομαζόμενα στο άρθρο σχέδια του οικονομικού πολέμου και των ευρύτερων
οικονομικών σχεδιασμών του Χίτλερ εκπληρώθηκαν πολύ αργότερα, σε κάποιο
σημαντικό βαθμό, και χωρίς ναζιστικές διακυβερνήσεις, στην ελεύθερη Ευρώπη. )
[ ανάρτηση 16 Ιανουαρίου 2025 :
How Hitler plans to enslave Europe
by Hugh O’Connor
The American
magazine January 1942
Πολιτική Σκακιέρα
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